Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus
Buffalo, NY
2023 – 2024

BNMC Equity Council Members
In 2023, the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (BNMC) hired SAIRA Creative Consulting to host a 3-month discovery process. The scope of work included: exploring common themes and visions between campus institutions, providing facilitation support, and developing an equity framework that outlines shared goals and steps for campus institutions to create a more equitable and welcoming campus for all. Over the course of the discovery sessions, the group:
1. Explored a shared vision and understanding of what long-term equity might look like on campus,
2. Examined collective projects that could be tackled and leveraged together that will help attain the shared vision,
3. Learned from each other about projects already in motion, and how the group might be able to work together to strengthen campus initiatives,
4. Identified gaps that would help the institutions work together more effectively.
Beyond the discovery sessions, SAIRA Creative Consulting further explored common themes from the BNMC Campus initiatives in the most recent Master Plan to ensure alignment with overarching campus goals. From the convergence of the council’s voices, campus goals, and the equity council’s mission and values, SAIRA Creative built a framework and timeline for the council’s ongoing equity goals.