Independent Project funded by New York State Council on the Arts


Buffalo & Beyond


2022 Data Collection. Currently building body of work inspired by submissions.


New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)
Arts Services Inc. (ASI)


Buffalo Rising
Channel 7 WBLK Video Segment
Channel 2 WGRZ Daybreak
Spectrum News

I witnessed an elderly man attempting to push two very large grocery carts full of food. He was struggling to get them out the door. A younger woman walked by and offered to push the carts to his car.

Peace Dot, Corvalis, OR

The Peace Dots Project is a community-based art project capturing moments of peace and random acts of kindness around Buffalo and beyond. As a community organizer and urban development professional, I intimately work with maps that tell neighborhood stories driven by hard data that relay wealth and health disparities. This project flips that script and shares an artistic rendition of what the intangible Peace Dots of our city look like.

With the use of an interactive online map and submission portal, Peace Dots were collected from all around Buffalo. Little did we know the submissions would end up coming from all around the country, and even from around the world. The project brought a bright light to those who engaged with it, and helped begin to shift the narrative of place from negative to positive perspectives.

View all the submissions to date, or add yours, at

Submissions from the project are being used to develop a body of art work at SAIRA Studios.